Automating pull request feedback

Sourav Sarkar
Apr 2021

Automating pull request feedback


  • When you raise a pull request, the faster you receive the feedback, the quicker it can be resolved
  • Codify teams’ best practices. It can reduce the number of cases where code does not follow best practices gets missed during normal review


  • Use Danger

What is Danger

  • Danger runs during your CI process and gives teams the chance to automate common code review chores.
  • This provides another logical step in your build, through this Danger can help lint your rote tasks in daily code review.
  • You can use Danger to codify your teams' norms. Leaving developers to think about harder problems.
  • Leaving messages inside your PRs based on rules that you create with JS/Ruby, Swift/Python/Kotlin

Danger Flow

What does it look like?

Incomplete package upgrades

Alt text

What does it look like?

Notify about new files

Alt text

What does it look like?

Encourage smaller PRs

smaller PRs

What does it look like?

Ensure nice, tidy commit messages and not something like - “made some changes” (~1k commit results)

Alt text

Danger in action


What it used to be


~ 17851 more lines to go

What else can I do?

  • Enforce changelogs
  • Keep Lockfile up to date
  • Ensure PRs have assignees
  • Look out for common anti-patterns
  • Encourage more testing
  • Highlight documentation updates
  • Show useful info on a PR
  • Highlight SemVer breakages
  • Anything you can think of ...

Custom Rules

const checkPRSize = () => {
  if ( + >
  ) {
    warn(`:exclamation: Big PR; over ${BIG_PR_THRESHOLD} changes :sob:`);
      '> Pull Request size seems relatively large. If Pull Request contains multiple changes, split each into separate PR will helps faster, easier review.',

How can I add Danger to my project?

  • Install Danger
  • Codify rules in Dangerfile with danger DSL
  • Add post build script in Jenkins

Dangerfile in the wild

A Dangerfile

More Examples

Examples on Github

Thank You